Gonzalo Úrculo

Gonzalo Úrculo

Gonzalo Úrculo

Gonzalo Úrculo is an agripreneur. In 2009, he co-founded "Naranjas del Carmen" with his brother to sell oranges from their grandfather's small orchard. Today, they manage 650 hectares of organic and regenerative farming in the Valencian Community, producing citrus fruits, olives, nuts, kiwis, persimmons, pomegranates, and garden products.

As a result of Naranjas del Carmen's success in 2017, the Úrculo brothers, along with Moises Calviño and Juliette Simonin, launched CrowdFarming to revolutionize the food supply chain. Nowadays, with a presence in four countries and over 200 employees, CrowdFarming has become the main alternative to supermarkets, helping 300 farmers sell their products directly to more than 500,000 families in Europe through crowdfarming.com.